An educational resource dedicated mainly to the photography
and diversity of marine life that can be found in coastal waters
and intertidal areas of Great Britain and Ireland by David Fenwick.

Mud shrimp, Tube maker, Sandhopper, Sideswimmer and Skeleton shrimp images (Amphipoda)
Collection of British Amphipoda (Image 1200 x 900, 182Kb)

Hyperiidea (Suborder)

Physocephalata (Infraorder) > Physocephalatidira (Parvorder) > Phronimoidea (Superfamily) > Hyperiidae (Family)

Hyperia galba (Montagu, 1815) - A hyperiid amphipod,
a parasite of jellyfish

Hyperiidea (Suborder) > Physocephalata (Infraorder) > Physocephalatidira (Parvorder) > Phronimoidea (Superfamily) > Phronimidae (Family)

Phronima sedentaria (Forskål, 1775)
- Monster in a Barrel, Pram Bug or Barrel Shrimp

Amphilochidea (Suborder)

Amphilochida (Infraorder) > Amphilochidira (Parvorder) > Amphilochoidea (Superfamily) > Amphilochidae (Family)

Apolochus neapolitanus (Della Valle, 1893)
syn. Amphilochus neapolitanus
- An amphilochid amphipod

Amphilochida (Infraorder) > Amphilochidira (Parvorder) > Amphilochoidea (Superfamily) > Cyproideidae (Family)

Peltocoxa damnoniensis (Stebbing, 1885)
- A cyproideid amphipod

Amphilochida (Infraorder) > Amphilochidira (Parvorder) > Amphilochoidea (Superfamily) > Stenothoidae (Family) > Stenothoinae (Subfamily)

Stenothoe monoculoides (Montagu, 1815)
- A stenothoid amphipod

Stenothoe valida ? Dana, 1852
- A false polyp flea (non-native species)

Stenothoe sp. (female only, Newlyn 28.10.18)
- A stenothoid amphipod

Stenothoe sp. (male, Newlyn 15.08.20)
- A stenothoid amphipod

Stenothoe sp. associate of the bryozoan Amathia sp.? (Ashtorre, Saltash 23.11.21) - A stenothoid amphipod

Amphilochida (Infraorder) > Amphilochidira (Parvorder) > Amphilochoidea (Superfamily)
Amphilochidae ? - An amphilochid amphipod ?

Amphilochida (Infraorder) > Amphilochidira (Parvorder) > Iphimedioidea (Superfamily) > Iphimediidae (Family)

Iphimedia eblanae Bate, 1857 ? - An iphimediid amphipod
Iphimedia nexa Myers & McGrath, 1987 ?
- An iphimediid amphipod

Iphimedia perplexa Myers & Costello, 1987
- An iphimediid amphipod

Amphilochida (Infraorder) > Amphilochidira (Parvorder) > Leucothoidea (Superfamily) Leucothoidae (Family)

Leucothoe incisa Robertson, 1892
- A leucothoid amphipod

Leucothoe spinicarpa (Abildgaard, 1789)
- A leucothoid amphipod

Amphilochida (Infraorder) > Oedicerotidira (Parvorder) > Oedicerotoidea (Superfamily) > Oedicerotidae (Family)

Perioculodes longimanus (Spence Bate & Westwood, 1868) - An oedicerotid amphipod

Pontocrates altamarinus (Spence Bate & Westwood, 1862) - An oedicerotid amphipod
Pontocrates arenarius (Spence Bate, 1858)
- An oedicerotid amphipod

Synchelidium maculatum Stebbing, 1906 (Spence Bate & Westwood, 1862) - An oedicerotid amphipod

Lysianassida (Infraorder) > Haustoriidira (Parvorder) > Haustorioidea (Superfamily) > Haustoriidae (Family)

Haustorius arenarius (Slabber, 1769)
- A haustoriid amphipod

Lysianassida (Infraorder) > Haustoriidira (Parvorder) > Haustorioidea (Superfamily) > Urothoidae (Family)

Urothoe poseidonis Reibish, 1905
- An urothoid amphipod

Amphilochidea (Suborder) > Lysianassida (Infraorder) > Lysianassidira (Parvorder) > Aristioidea (Superfamily) > Aristiidae (Family)

Perrierella audouiniana (Spence Bate, 1857)
- An aristiid amphipod

Lysianassida (Infraorder) > Lysianassidira (Parvorder) > Lysianassoidea (Superfamily) > Lysianassidae (Family)

Lysianassa ceratina (Walker, 1889)
- A lysianassid amphipod

Lysianassida (Infraorder) > Lysianassidira (Parvorder) > Lysianassoidea (Superfamily) > Tryphosidae (Family)

Orchomene humilis (Costa, 1853) ?
- A tryphosid amphipod

Tryphosa nana syn. Orchomenella nana and
Orchomene nana - A tryphosid amphipod

Amphipoda (Order) > Amphilochidea (Suborder) > Lysianassida (Infraorder) > Synopiidira (Parvorder) > Synopioidea (Superfamily) > Ampeliscidae (Family)

Ampelisca brevicornis (Costa, 1853)
- An ampeliscid amphipod

Ampelisca tenuicornis Liljeborg, 1856
- An ampeliscid amphipod

Lysianassida (Infraorder) > Synopiidira (Parvorder) > Dexaminoidea (Superfamily) > Atylidae (Family)> Nototropiinae (Subfamily)

Nototropis swammerdamei (H. Milne Edwards, 1830)
- An atylid amphipod

Lysianassida (Infraorder) > Synopiidira (Parvorder) > Dexaminoidea (Superfamily) > Dexaminidae (Family) > Dexamininae (Subfamily)

Dexamine spinosa (Montagu, 1813)
- A dexaminid amphipod

Dexamine thea Boeck, 1861 - A dexaminid amphipod

Lysianassida (Infraorder) > Synopiidira (Parvorder) > Dexaminoidea (Superfamily) > Dexaminidae (Family) > Polycheriinae (Subfamily)

Tritaeta gibbosa (Bate, 1862) ? - A dexaminid amphipod

Colomastigidea (Suborder)

Colomastigida (Infraorder) > Colomastigidira (Parvorder) > Colomastigoidea (Superfamily) > Colomastigidae (Family)

Colomastix pusilla Grube, 1861
- A colomastigid amphipod

Senticaudata (Suborder)

Corophiida (Infraorder) > Caprellidira (Parvorder) > Caprelloidea (Superfamily) > Caprellidae (Family) > Caprellinae (Subfamily)

Please note, unless sequencing specimens, caprellids should only be identified using adult male specimens. Female and juvenile male specimens should only be validated by an expert (someone dealing with caprellids on a daily basis). Sometimes sequencing as well as dissection and microscopy will be necessary as with members of the Caprella cf. acanthifera group, the extent of which has never been determined.

Caprella cf. acanthifera Leach, 1814
- A complex of caprellid amphipods

Caprella andreae Mayer, 1890 - A caprellid amphipod
Caprella equilibra Say, 1818 syn. C. aequilibra (Say, 1818)
- A caprellid amphipod or skeleton shrimp

Caprella erethizon Mayer, 1901 - A caprellid amphipod
Caprella fretensis Stebbing, 1878 - A caprellid amphipod
Caprella mutica Schurin, 1935 - Japanese skeleton shrimp
(invasive non-native species)

Caprella penantis Leach, 1814 - A caprellid amphipod
Caprella scaura Templeton, 1836
- Mauritian skeleton shrimp (non-native invasive species)

Caprella takeuchii Guerra-García, Sánchez-Moyano & García-Gómez, 2001 ? - A caprellid amphipod
Caprella tuberculata Guérin, 1836 - A caprellid amphipod

Pariambus typicus (Krøyer, 1884) - A skeleton shrimp

Pseudoprotella phasma Montagu, 1804
- A skeleton shrimp or caprellid amphipod

Corophiida (Infraorder) > Caprellidira (Parvorder) > Caprelloidea (Superfamily) > Caprellidae (Family) > Phtisicinae (Subfamily)

Phtisica marina Slabber, 1769
- A skeleton shrimp or caprellid amphipod

Corophiida (Infraorder) > Caprellidira (Parvorder) > Caprelloidea (Superfamily) > Podoceridae (Family)

Podocerus variegatus Leach, 1814
- A podocerid amphipod

Corophiida (Infraorder) > Caprellidira (Parvorder) > Photoidea (Superfamily) > Ischyroceridae (Family) > Ischyrocerinae (Subfamily) > Ischyrocerini (Tribe)

Jassa falcata (Montagu, 1808)
- Mottled tube maker, an ischyrocerid amphipod

Jassa marmorata Holmes, 1905 ?
- An ischyrocerid amphipod

Parajassa pelagica (Leach, 1814)
- An ischyrocerid amphipod

Corophiida (Infraorder) > Caprellidira (Parvorder) > Photoidea (Superfamily) > Ischyroceridae (Family) > Ischyrocerinae (Subfamily) > Siphonoecetini (Tribe)

Ericthonius difformis H. Milne Edwards, 1830
- An ischyrocerid amphipod

Ericthonius punctatus (Bate, 1857)
- An ischyrocerid amphipod

Corophiida (Infraorder) > Caprellidira (Parvorder) > Photoidea (Superfamily) > Ischyroceridae (Family) > Ischyrocerinae (Subfamily) > Siphonoecetini (Tribe) > Siphonoecetina (Subtribe)

Centraloecetes kroyeranus (Spence Bate, 1857)
- An ischyrocerid amphipod

Corophiida (Infraorder) > Corophiidira (Parvorder) > Aoroidea (Superfamily) > Aoridae (Family)

Aora gracilis (Spence Bate, 1857) - An aoroid amphipod
Aora spinicornis Afonso, 1976 - An aoroid amphipod

Lembos websteri Spence Bate, 1857
- An aoroid amphipod

Microdeutopus chelifer (Spence Bate, 1862)
- An aoroid amphipod

Microdeutopus gryllotalpa Costa, 1853
- An aoroid amphipod

Corophiida (Infraorder) > Corophiidira (Parvorder) > Aoroidea (Superfamily) > Unciolidae (Family) > Unciolinae (Subfamily)

Unciola crenatipalma (Spence Bate, 1862)
- An unciolid amphipod

Corophiida (Infraorder) > Corophiidira (Parvorder) > Cheluroidea (Superfamily) > Cheluridae (Family)

Chelura terebrans Philippi, 1839 - A chelurid amphipod

Corophiida (Infraorder) > Corophiidira (Parvorder) > Corophioidea (Superfamily) > Ampithoidae (Family)

Amphitholina cuniculus (Stebbing, 1874)
- An ampithoid amphipod

Sunamphitoe pelagica (H. Milne Edwards, 1830)
- An ampithoid amphipod

Corophiida (Infraorder) > Corophiidira (Parvorder) > Corophioidea (Superfamily) > Ampithoidae (Family) > Ampithoinae (Subfamily)

Ampithoe ramondi Audouin, 1826
- An ampithoid amphipod

Ampithoe rubricata (Montagu, 1818)
- An ampithoid amphipod

Pleonexes helleri (Karaman, 1975)
syn. Ampithoe helleri Karaman, 1975
- An ampithoid amphipod

Corophiida (Infraorder) > Corophiidira (Parvorder) > Corophioidea (Superfamily) > Corophiidae (Family) > Corophiinae (Subfamily) > Corophiini (Tribe)

Apocorophium acutum (Chevreux, 1908)
- A corophiid amphipod

Corophium volutator (Pallas, 1766)
- A corophiid amphipod or Mud shrimp

Crassicorophium bonellii (H. Milne Edwards, 1830)
- A corophiid amphipod

Monocorophium insidiosum (Crawford, 1937)
- A corophiid amphipod

Monocorophium sextonae (Crawford, 1937)
- A corophiid amphipod (non-native species)

Comparative image of telsons of four corophiid species

Corophiida (Infraorder) > Corophiidira (Parvorder) > Corophioidea (Superfamily) > Corophiidae (Family) > Corophiinae (Subfamily) > Haplocheirini (Tribe)

Leptocheirus pilosus Zaddach, 1844
- A corophiid amphipod

Corophiida (Infraorder) > Caprellidira (Parvorder) > Photoidea (Superfamily) > Photidae (Family)

Gammaropsis maculata (Johnston, 1828)
- A photid amphipod

Gammarida (Infraorder) > Gammaridira (Parvorder) > Gammaroidea (Superfamily) > Bathyporeiidae (Family)

Bathyporeia elegans Watkin, 1938
- A bathyporeiid amphipod or sand digger shrimp

Bathyporeia guilliamsoniana (Spence Bate, 1857)
- A bathyporeiid amphipod or sand digger shrimp

Bathyporeia nana Toulmond, 1966
- A bathyporeiid amphipod or sand digger shrimp

Gammarida (Infraorder) > Gammaridira (Parvorder) > Gammaroidea (Superfamily) > Gammarellidae (Family)

Gammarellus angulosus (Rathke, 1843)
- A gammarellid amphipod

Gammarida (Infraorder) > Gammaridira (Parvorder) > Gammaroidea (Superfamily) > Gammaridae (Family)

Gammarus chevreuxi Sexton, 1913 - An amphipod
Gammarus crinicornis Stock, 1966
- A gammarid amphipod

Gammarus locusta (Linnaeus, 1758) - An amphipod
Gammarus pulex (Linnaeus, 1758) - An amphipod
Gammarus zaddachi Sexton, 1912 - An amphipod
Gammarus or Echinogammarus species ?
- A gammarid amphipod

Homoeogammarus planicrurus (Reid, 1940) syn. Echinogammarus incertae sedis planicrurus (Reid, 1940) and Pectenogammarus planicrurus - A gammarid amphipod

Hadziida (Infraorder) > Hadziidira (Parvorder) > Calliopioidea (Superfamily) > Calliopiidae (Family)

Apherusa bispinosa (Bate, 1857)
- A calliopiid amphipod

Apherusa cirrus (Spence Bate, 1862)
- A calliopiid amphipod

Apherusa jurinei (H. Milne Edwards, 1830)
- A calliopiid amphipod

Apherusa ovalipes Norman & Scott, 1906
- A calliopiid amphipod

Hadziida (Infraorder) > Hadziidira (Parvorder) > Calliopioidea (Superfamily) > Megaluropidae (Family)

Megaluropus agilis Hoek, 1889
- A megaluropid amphipod

Hadziida (Infraorder) > Hadziidira (Parvorder) > Hadzioidea (Superfamily) > Maeridae (Family)

Elasmopus rapax Costa, 1853 - A maerid amphipod

Maera grossimana (Montagu, 1808) - A maerid amphipod

Quadrimaera sp. - A maerid amphipod
(non-native species)

Quadrimaera sp. - A maerid amphipod, collections from Long Rock 30.03.21 and Albert Pier reef, Penzance, 31.03.21.
(non-native species)

Quadrimaera sp. - A maerid amphipod
- Bovisand, Devon, 19.04.22. (non-native species)

Quadrimaera sp. - A maerid amphipod
-Seaton, Cornwall, 11.09.22. (non-native species)

Hadziida (Infraorder) > Hadziidira (Parvorder) > Hadzioidea (Superfamily) > Melitidae (Family)

Abludomelita gladiosa (Spence Bate, 1862)
- A melitid amphipod

Melita hergensis Reid, 1939 - A melitid amphipod
Melita palmata (Montagu, 1804) - A melitid amphipod

Hadziida (Infraorder) > Hadziidira (Parvorder) > Hadzioidea (Superfamily) > Nuuanuidae (Family)

Gammarella fucicola (Leach, 1814)
- A nuuanuid amphipod

Talitrida (Infraorder) > Talitridira (Parvorder) > Talitroidea (Superfamily) > Hyalidae (Family) > Hyalinae (Subfamily)

Apohyale prevostii (H. Milne Edwards, 1830)
- A hyalid amphipod

Ptilohyale ?
Hyalidae - Ptilohyale sp. ? (Long Rock 20.08.20)
- A hyalid amphipod

Talitrida (Infraorder) > Talitridira (Parvorder) > Talitroidea (Superfamily) > Phliantidae (Family)

Pereionotus testudo (Montagu, 1808)
- A phliantid amphipod

Senticaudata (Suborder) > Talitrida (Infraorder) >
Talitridira (Parvorder) > Talitroidea (Superfamily) >
Talitroidae (Epifamily) > Talitridae (Family) >
Talitrinae (Subfamily)

Cryptorchestia garbinii Ruffo, Tarocco and Latella, 2014 formerly known in UK as Cryptorchestia cavimana
- A talitrid amphipod (non-native species, freshwater)

Orchestia gammarellus (Pallas, 1766)
- A talitrid amphipod

Orchestia mediterranea Costa, 1853
- A talitrid amphipod

Talitrus saltator (Montagu, 1808) - Common sandhopper

Ingolfiellidea (suborder) - see order Ingolfiellida

Freshwater Amphipods

Senticaudata (Suborder) > Gammarida (Infraorder) > Crangonyctidira (Parvorder) > Crangonyctoidea (Superfamily) > Crangonyctidae (Family)

Crangonyx pseudogracilis / floridanus sens. lat.
- A crangonyctid amphipod (non-native species)

Terrestrial Amphipods

Talitrida (Infraorder) > Talitridira (Parvorder) > Talitroidea (Superfamily) > Talitridae (Family)

Arcitalitrus dorrieni (Hunt, 1925)
- A woodhopper (non-native species)


Also see -
Amphipod species (1.8mm female with eggs)
- Newlyn Marina 30.08.17 - An Amphipod

Other images of Amphipods - Sand or Beach hoppers

Amphipod Images in need of identification

This is a very rough identification guide. Amphipods in general, can be very difficult to identify, and even more so from photographs, even good high resolution macro photographs. I am very grateful for the help and advice given to me by Marco Faasse on the subject.

Mud shrimp Tube maker Sandhopper Woodhopper Sideswimmer and Skeleton shrimp Images Amphipods Amphipoda UK