Phliantid amphipod
Pereionotus testudo
- ventral and lateral view 1
Above images, numerous specimens found on washing Saccorhiza polyschides, Furbellow holdfasts at Battery Rocks, Penzance, Cornwall, 25.07.17.
Phliantid amphipod
Pereionotus testudo
- dorsal view 2
Phliantid amphipod
Pereionotus testudo
- dorsal view 3
Phliantid amphipod
Pereionotus testudo
- dorsal view 4
Phliantid amphipod
Pereionotus testudo
- ventral view 1
Phliantid amphipod
Pereionotus testudo
- with 0.1mm division rule 1
Numerous specimens obtained from washing the large brown algae Saccorhiza polyschides, Furbellow; which was found growing on the extreme lowershore at Challaborough, South Devon. 30.09.15.
Phliantid amphipod
Pereionotus testudo
- dorsal view 5
Phliantid amphipod
Pereionotus testudo
- ventral view 2
Specimen above was found in a subtidal sample of Coral Weed, Corallina officinalis, collected at Chimney Rocks, Penzance, Cornwall. 05.06.16.
Phliantid amphipod
Pereionotus testudo
- female with eggs 1
Phliantid amphipod
Pereionotus testudo
- egg mass 1
Phliantid amphipod
Pereionotus testudo
- telson under microscope 1
The brooding female above was found on washing the holdfasts of Saccorhiza polyschides, Furbelows. which were collected from below the low tide level at Chimney Rocks, Penzance, Cornwall, 25.09.18.