Maerid amphipod
Quadrimaera species
- lateral view 2
Maerid amphipod
Quadrimaera species
- lateral view body 1
Maerid amphipod
Quadrimaera species
- gnathopod 2 -1
Maerid amphipod
Quadrimaera species
- gnathopod 2 -2
Maerid amphipod
Quadrimaera species
- lateral view anterior 1
Maerid amphipod
Quadrimaera species
- lateral view posterior 1
Maerid amphipod
Quadrimaera species
- lateral view middle 1
Maerid amphipod
Quadrimaera species
- habitat / location 1
A single specimen was found on washing a single holdfasts of Saccorhiza polyschides, Furbelows in a bucket and straining the sample through a small plastic kitchen sieve. The sample was collected just below the low tide level during an extra low spring tide so it is best regarded a specimen from the shallow sublittoral rather than from the intertidal zone. Reef west of Seaton Beach, Seaton, Cornwall, 11.09.22.
The white patches observed on this specimen are likely of something commonly called Milk or Cotton Disease, this is likely caused by a fungus, a species like Inodosporus octosporus, which is the main agent in Cotton / Milk Disease of prawns.