Photid amphipod
Gammaropsis maculata
- lateral view 2
Photid amphipod
Gammaropsis maculata
- lateral view anterior 1
Photid amphipod
Gammaropsis maculata
- gnathopod 2 -1
Photid amphipod
Gammaropsis maculata
- lateral view posterior 1
Photid amphipod
Gammaropsis maculata
- lateral view 3
Photid amphipod
Gammaropsis maculata
- with 1.0mm division rule 1
Photid amphipod
Gammaropsis maculata
- head under microscope 1
Photid amphipod
Gammaropsis maculata
- gnathopod 2 -2
Photid amphipod
Gammaropsis maculata
- gnathopod 1 -1
Photid amphipod
Gammaropsis maculata
- gnathopods 1 and 2 -1
Photid amphipod
Gammaropsis maculata
- antennae 1 -1
Photid amphipod
Gammaropsis maculata
- antennae 2 -1
Photid amphipod
Gammaropsis maculata
- habitat / location 1
Photid amphipod
Gammaropsis maculata
- habitat / location 2
Specimen above was found on washing the holdfasts of Saccorhiza polyschides, Furbelows, collected subtidally in Sennen Cove harbour, Sennen Cove, Cornwall, 10.10.18.