Ischyrocerid amphipod
Ericthonius punctatus
- lateral view anterior 1
Ischyrocerid amphipod
Ericthonius punctatus
- lateral view posterior 1
Ischyrocerid amphipod
Ericthonius punctatus
- gnathopod 2 -1
Ischyrocerid amphipod
Ericthonius punctatus
- in tube on algae 1
The images above represent a sub-adult male specimen found in a tube built on the red algae Cryptopleura ramosa, on the lowershore at Lariggan Rocks, Penzance, Cornwall, 29.12.16.
Ischyrocerid amphipod
Ericthonius punctatus
- lateral view 2
Ischyrocerid amphipod
Ericthonius punctatus
- lateral view anterior 2
Ischyrocerid amphipod
Ericthonius punctatus
- gnathopod 2 -2
Ischyrocerid amphipod
Ericthonius punctatus
- gnathopod 2 -3
Ischyrocerid amphipod
Ericthonius punctatus
- antennae 1
Ischyrocerid amphipod
Ericthonius punctatus
- lateral view anterior 3
Ischyrocerid amphipod
Ericthonius punctatus
- gnathopod 2 -4
Ischyrocerid amphipod
Ericthonius punctatus
- uropods 1
Ischyrocerid amphipod
Ericthonius punctatus
- with 0.1mm division rule 1
Ischyrocerid amphipod
Ericthonius punctatus
- colony on tube worms 1
Specimen above which appears to be another sub-adult male was found on the lowershore in a colony attached to bedrock at Hannafore, Looe, Cornwall. 29.03.17.
Specimens above yet to be verified.
From WoRMS
Myers & McGrath (1984) stated that in often used books (e.g. Chevreux & Fage, 1925; Schellenberg, 1942 and Lincoln, 1979) the species Ericthonius punctatus is treated as E. brasiliensis.
Faasse, M.; Van Moorsel, G. (2000). Nieuwe en minder bekende vlokreeftjes van sublitorale harde bodems in het Deltagebied (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Gammaridea) [New and lesser-known amphipods of hard substrates in the Delta area of the Netherlands (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Gammaridea)]. Ned. Faunist. Meded. 11: 19-44