Skeleton shrimp
Pariambus typicus
- lateral view 2
Skeleton shrimp
Pariambus typicus
- lateral view head 1
Skeleton shrimp
Pariambus typicus
- gnathopod 2 -1
Specimens found on driftweed that was floating just beyond the low water mark. Found in front of Smeaton's Pier, St. Ives, Cornwall. 15.06.15.
Skeleton shrimp
Pariambus typicus
- lateral view 3
Skeleton shrimp
Pariambus typicus
- lateral view head 2
Skeleton shrimp
Pariambus typicus
- gnathopod 2 -2
Skeleton shrimp
Pariambus typicus
- pereon segments 3 and 4 -1
Skeleton shrimp
Pariambus typicus
- rear legs 1
Specimens above were found on a crab pot in 30-40m of water south of the Lizard Peninsula, Cornwall, 17.07.17. Photographed using a microscope.
Skeleton shrimp
Pariambus typicus
- superadult male dorsal view 1
Skeleton shrimp
Pariambus typicus
- superadult male lateral view 1
Skeleton shrimp
Pariambus typicus
- lateral view anterior 1
Skeleton shrimp
Pariambus typicus
- gnathopod 2 -1
Skeleton shrimp
Pariambus typicus
- microscope / antennae 1
Skeleton shrimp
Pariambus typicus
- microscope / posterior 1
Skeleton shrimp
Pariambus typicus
- microscope / gathopod 2 -1
Skeleton shrimp
Pariambus typicus
- microscope / gill 1
Skeleton shrimp
Pariambus typicus
- with 0.1mm division rule 1
Skeleton shrimp
Pariambus typicus
- with 0.1mm division rule 2
The superadult male specimen above was found on a crab pot in 30-40m of water south of the Lizard Peninsula, Cornwall, 23.05.18.
Here I must kindly thank José M. Guerra García for his advice he has given regarding the specimens on this page.