Skeleton shrimp
Caprella erethizon
- dorsal view 1
Skeleton shrimp
Caprella erethizon
- lateral view gnathopod 2
Skeleton shrimp
Caprella erethizon
- head with sharp processes 1
Skeleton shrimp
Caprella erethizon
- dorsal view pereonite 3 and 4
Skeleton shrimp
Caprella erethizon
- antenna 1
Specimens above found on the bryozoan Crisularia plumosa, that was growing at the foot of an overhang on the extreme lowershore at Godrevy Point, near Hayle, Cornwall. 08.06.16.
Skeleton shrimp
Caprella erethizon
- lateral view 2
Skeleton shrimp
Caprella erethizon
- lateral view 3
Skeleton shrimp
Caprella erethizon
- head and antennae 1
Skeleton shrimp
Caprella erethizon
- gnathapod 2 -1
Specimen above was found under a boulder in association with the sea mats Bugulina turbinata, Crisularia plumosa and Cradoscrupocellaria reptans. It was found on the lowershore at Trevaunance Cove, St. Agnes, Cornwall. 05.07.16.