Podocerid amphipod
Podocerus variegatus
- dorsal view 2
Podocerid amphipod
Podocerus variegatus
- dorsal view female 1
Podocerid amphipod
Podocerus variegatus
- dorsal view female 2
Podocerid amphipod
Podocerus variegatus
- lateral view female 1
Species found on sampling Ceramium, a small red algae, on the lowershore at Chimney Rocks, Penzance, Cornwall. 11.06.14 and 17.04.15.
Podocerid amphipod
Podocerus variegatus
- dorsal view 3
Podocerid amphipod
Podocerus variegatus
- lateral view 1
Podocerid amphipod
Podocerus variegatus
- lateral view 2
Podocerid amphipod
Podocerus variegatus
- ventral view 1
Podocerid amphipod
Podocerus variegatus
- with 0.1mm division rule 1
Podocerid amphipod
Podocerus variegatus
- with 0.1mm division rule 2
Species found on a sample of the non-native red algae, Pikea californica, collected outside Newlyn Harbour, Newlyn, Cornwall. 23.02.15.
Podocerid amphipod
Podocerus variegatus
- lateral view anterior male under microcsope 1
Podocerid amphipod
Podocerus variegatus
- eye under microscope 1
Podocerid amphipod
Podocerus variegatus
- dorsal view head and antennae of male 1 under microscope 1
Podocerid amphipod
Podocerus variegatus
- gnathopods 1 and 2 of male under microscope 1
Podocerid amphipod
Podocerus variegatus
- ganthopod 1 of male under microscope 1
Podocerid amphipod
Podocerus variegatus
- gnathopod 2 of male under microscope 1
Podocerid amphipod
Podocerus variegatus
- pereopods of male under microscope 1
Podocerid amphipod
Podocerus variegatus
- telson and uropods of male under microscope 1
Podocerid amphipod
Podocerus variegatus
- habitat / location 1
Specimen above was found in a small sample of algae collected from a lowershore pool at Chimney Rocks, Penzance, Cornwall, 25.09.18.
Podocerid amphipod
Podocerus variegatus
- dorsal view 4
Podocerid amphipod
Podocerus variegatus
- lateral view 3
Specimen above was found in a small sample of algae collected at Chimney Rocks, Penzance, Cornwall, 05.10.17.