Specimen above was found in marine fouling collected from Newlyn Marina, Newlyn, Cornwall, 21.01.17.
Devonshire cup coral
Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) smithii
- at Newlyn Harbour 1
Devonshire cup coral
Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) smithii
- at Newlyn Harbour 2
Images above were taken at Newlyn Harbour, Cornwall. Species found under a 150mm stone on the waters edge on a low spring tide. 18.10.12.
Devonshire cup coral
Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) smithii
- near sill at Carnsew Pool 1
Devonshire cup coral
Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) smithii
- near sill at Carnsew Pool 2
Devonshire cup coral
Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) smithii
- near sill at Carnsew Pool 3
Devonshire cup coral
Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) smithii
- under lowershore rock 1
Devonshire cup coral
Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) smithii
- under lowershore rock 2
Devonshire cup coral
Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) smithii
- under lowershore rock 3
Devonshire cup coral
Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) smithii
- under lowershore rock 4
Devonshire cup coral
Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) smithii
- under lowershore rock 5
Devonshire cup coral
Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) smithii
- under lowershore rock 6
Devonshire cup coral
Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) smithii
- under rock / with scale 1
Devonshire cup coral
Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) smithii
- under rock / with scale 2
Devonshire cup coral
Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) smithii
- under rock / with scale 3
Devonshire cup coral
Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) smithii
- Carnsew Pool, Hayle 1
Devonshire cup coral
Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) smithii
- Carnsew Pool, Hayle 2
Devonshire cup coral
Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) smithii
- Carnsew Pool, Hayle 3
Devonshire cup coral
Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) smithii
- Carnsew Pool, Hayle 4
Devonshire cup coral
Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) smithii
- Carnsew Pool, Hayle 5
Images above were taken at Carnsew Pool, Hayle, Cornwall. 23.03.12 and 06.08.13. SW5543837487.
Also found on the 20.04.12, on the southern shore at -
Species found under rocks on the lowershore covering at least a 10m area of shoreline, 25 corals were found on 5
rocks. Species found 2 hours after actual time of low water, low water
being about two hours later in Carnsew Pool.
At Carnsew Pool this species was found in association with many species of sea squirts including
Ciona intestinalis; but also the sea anemones Cereus pedunculatus, Sagartia troglodytes and Sagartiogeton undatus.
If these cold water corals are found under rocks, it is highly important that the rocks are rolled back over and carefully returned to the exact position where found.
Devonshire cup coral, Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) smithii, may also have growing on it the epizoic barnacle, Megatrema anglicum.