Epizoic barnacle
Adna anglica
- group / cluster 2
The barnacles above were typically found on Devonshire Cup Coral that was found on a lobster creel that had been dredged up off West Cornwall. Photographed 02.06.17.
Epizoic barnacle
Adna anglica
- on Devonshire cup coral 1
Epizoic barnacle
Adna anglica
- on Devonshire cup coral 2
Epizoic barnacle
Adna anglica
- on Devonshire cup coral 3
Epizoic barnacle
Megatrema anglicum
- on Devonshire cup coral 4
The barnacle here was typically found on Devonshire Cup Coral that was found on a lost ink well crab pot that had been dredged up. Photographed at Newlyn, Cornwall. 18.04.17.
Epizoic barnacle
Adna anglica
- on Devonshire cup coral 5
Epizoic barnacle
Adna anglica
- close-up 1
Epizoic barnacle
Adna anglica
- close-up 2
Species found washed-up near Hayle, Cornwall, on the plastic collar of a crab / lobster pot. 09.01.14.
Epizoic barnacle
Adna anglica
- juvenile on cup coral 1
Epizoic barnacle
Adna anglica
- juvenile on cup coral 2
Epizoic barnacle
Adna anglica
- juvenile on cup coral 3
Epizoic barnacle
Adna anglica
- juvenile on cup coral 4
Epizoic barnacle
Adna anglica
- juvenile on cup coral 5
Epizoic barnacle
Adna anglica
- juvenile on cup coral 6
Epizoic barnacle
Adna anglica
- juvenile on cup coral 7
The barnacle here is extremely small and juvenile, and likely to be a small juvenile Adna anglica, as this species is commonly found on Devonshire cup coral, Caryophyllia smithii. The cup coral here is a juvenile specimen, juveniles are noted to be quite variable in form. Both species were found on a piece of lobster / crab pot at Sennen Cove, Penwith, Cornwall. 14.11.13.