Tribe Inuleae -
Cudweeds and Fleabanes
Filago minima - Small Cudweed (N)
Filago vulgaris - Common Cudweed (N)
Gnaphalium uliginosum - Marsh Cudweed (N)
Gnaphalium undulatum - Cape Cudweed (A)
Inula conyzae - Ploughman's Spikenard (N)
Inula crithmoides - Golden Samphire (N)
Inula hookeri - Hooker's Fleabane (A)
Inula magnifica - Giant Fleabane (A)
Pulicaria dysenterica - Common Fleabane (N)
(N) - Native Wildflower
(PN) - Possibly Native
(A) - Alien or Garden Escape
(PA) - Probable Alien or Garden Escape
(A/N) - Alien and Native Hybrid
For the following species of Asteraceae
see 'Woody Plants'.
Artemisia abrotanum - Southernwood
Brachyglottis x jubar - Shrub Ragwort or Daisy Bush
Chrysocoma coma-aurea - Shrub Goldilocks
Delairea odorata - German or Cape Ivy
Euryops chrysanthemoides - African Bush Daisy
Euryops pectinatus - Golden Daisy Bush
Helichrysum italicum - Curry Plant
Helichrysum petiolare - Silver-bush Everlasting Flower
Olearia macrodonta - New Zealand Holly
Olearia semidentata syn. Olearia 'Henry Travers'
- Makora or Swamp Aster
Olearia solandri - Coastal Shrub Daisy
Olearia traversii - Ake-ake
Santolina chamaecyparissus - Cotton Lavender
Senecio petasitis - Velvet Groundsel
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