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Children ''of school age'' (4-18), may freely use images
for schoolwork or homework, without permission, but only
so if their work is not being published commercially or
uploaded to educational platforms like STUDYBLUE. Permission
is required for ''educational use'', where images are intended
to be used by a university or by a graphic design company
producing images for any educational level, or in educating
the public (PE - Public Engagement).
Images, who's copyright belongs to David Fenwick, may not
be used commerially e.g. by the press, media, NGOs, local
or national government agency without written permission
or payment. Images may not be published, in books, on the
internet, exhibited, or altered, without first seeking the
advice and the written permission of the copyright holder.
Where appropriate and with agreement, images should be credited to - www.aphotoflora.com
A-P-H-O-T-O - Wildlife Image Libraries
Contact David Fenwick