Tribe Inuleae
Cudweeds and Fleabanes. Tribe includes the following genera. Filago, Gnaphalium, Inula and Pulicaria.
Tribe Calenduleae
African Veldt Daisies and Marigolds. Tribe includes the following genera. Calendula and Dimorphotheca.
Tribe Eupatorieae
Hemp-agrimony and Flossflower. Tribe includes the following genera. Ageratum and Eupatorium.
Subfamily Lactucoideae
Tribe Arctotideae
Treasureflowers. Tribe includes the genera Gazania.
(N) - Native Wildflower
(PN) - Possibly Native
(A) - Alien or Garden Escape
(PA) - Probable Alien or Garden Escape
(A/N) - Alien and Native Hybrid
For the following species of Asteraceae
see 'Woody Plants'.
Artemisia abrotanum - Southernwood
Brachyglottis x jubar - Shrub Ragwort or Daisy Bush
Chrysocoma coma-aurea - Shrub Goldilocks
Delairea odorata - German or Cape Ivy
Euryops chrysanthemoides - African Bush Daisy
Euryops pectinatus - Golden Daisy Bush
Helichrysum italicum - Curry Plant
Helichrysum petiolare - Silver-bush Everlasting Flower
Olearia macrodonta - New Zealand Holly
Olearia semidentata syn. Olearia 'Henry Travers'
- Makora or Swamp Aster
Olearia solandri - Coastal Shrub Daisy
Olearia traversii - Ake-ake
Santolina chamaecyparissus - Cotton Lavender
Senecio petasitis - Velvet Groundsel
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