Altar or Arum Lily
Zantedeschia aetheopica
- flower 2
Altar or Arum Lily
Zantedeschia aetheopica
- flower 3
Altar or Arum Lily
Zantedeschia aetheopica
- flower 4
Altar or Arum Lily
Zantedeschia aetheopica
- flower 5
Altar or Arum Lily
Zantedeschia aetheopica
- flower 6
Altar or Arum Lily
Zantedeschia aetheopica
- flower 7
Altar or Arum Lily
Zantedeschia aetheopica
- flowering plants 1
Altar or Arum Lily
Zantedeschia aetheopica
- leaf 1
Altar or Arum Lily
Zantedeschia aetheopica
'Green Goddess'
- flower 1
Altar or Arum Lily
Zantedeschia aetheopica
'Green Goddess'
- flowering plant 1
Most images are of cultivated or naturalised plants.
More images of Zantedeschia can be found on The African Garden website by David Fenwick; a site dedicated to the culture and photography of South and Southern African bulbous plants.