An online educational resource and botanical image library dedicated to
the flora; wildflowers, trees, shrubs, ferns, liverworts and mosses, found in
South-West England, mostly around Devon and Cornwall, by David Fenwick.
Family Index for Solanales - Nightshade, Bindweed, Dodder, etc.
The Nightshade Family (Solanaceae)
Thorn Apple, Henbane, Tomato, Apple of Peru, Tobacco, Petunia, Cape Gooseberry, Velvet Trumpet, Winter Cherry, Bittersweet, Nightshade and Potato (
Datura, Hyoscyamus, Lycopersicon, Nicandra, Nicotiana, Petunia, Physalis, Salpiglossis and
The Bindweed Family (Convolvulaceae)
Bindweed, Morning Glory and Dodder (Calystegia, Convolvulus and Cuscuta.)
To view Woody Solanales click on links below -
The Nightshade Family (Solanaceae)