Hybrid Bedstraw
Galium x pomeranicum
- inflorescence 2
Hybrid Bedstraw
Galium x pomeranicum
- inflorescence 3
Hybrid Bedstraw
Galium x pomeranicum
- flowering plants 1
Hybrid Bedstraw
Galium x pomeranicum
- flowering plants 2
Hybrid Bedstraw
Galium x pomeranicum
- flowering plants 3
Hybrid Bedstraw
Galium x pomeranicum
- with Galium verum above 1
Hybrid Bedstraw
Galium x pomeranicum
- flowers 1
Hybrid Bedstraw
Galium x pomeranicum
- flowers 2
Hybrid Bedstraw
Galium x pomeranicum
- leaves 1
Images of species taken on public footpath north of Bessy's Cove, Prussia Cove, Rosudgeon, Cornwall. 03.07.11. SW5562028075.
Galium x pomeranicum is a hybrid between Galium verum, Lady's Bedstraw and Galium mollugo, Hedge Bedstraw.