Cleavers or Stickywilly
Galium aparine
- flower 2
Cleavers or Stickywilly
Galium aparine
- flowers 1
Cleavers or Stickywilly
Galium aparine
- hooked stem 1
Cleavers or Stickywilly
Galium aparine
- hooked stem 2
Cleavers or Stickywilly
Galium aparine
- plant in hedgerow 1
Cleavers or Stickywilly
Galium aparine
- seed capsules 1
Cleavers or Stickywilly
Galium aparine
- seed capsules 2
Widespread across the westcountry. Images of species taken in hedgerow at Leypark Walk, Estover, Plymouth, Devon.
10.05.04. SX511588; also at Carfury Quarry Pond, Carfury, Penzance, Cornwall. 28.07.11.
This species has a multitude of common names they include Cleavers, Clivers, Goosegrass, Stickywilly, Stickyjack, Stickyweed, Stickyleaf, Stickybuds, Catchweed, Robin-run-the-hedge and Coachweed.