Spotted Laurel
Aucuba japonica
- flowers 2
Spotted Laurel
Aucuba japonica
- flowers 3
Spotted Laurel
Aucuba japonica
- flowers 4
Spotted Laurel
Aucuba japonica
- flowers 5
Spotted Laurel
Aucuba japonica
- fruit / berries 1
Spotted Laurel
Aucuba japonica
- fruit / berries 2
Spotted Laurel
Aucuba japonica
- flowering shoot 1
Spotted Laurel
Aucuba japonica
- flowering shoot 2
Spotted Laurel
Aucuba japonica
- flowers female 1
Spotted Laurel
Aucuba japonica
- leaf 1
Spotted Laurel
Aucuba japonica
- leaf 2
Spotted Laurel
Aucuba japonica
- variegated leaf / 'Maculata' 1
Images of this species were taken at Durnford Street, Stonehouse, Plymouth, Devon. 22.04.05; and more recently at locations across Devon and Cornwall.