The African Garden
An online resource dedicated to the photography and promotion
of South and Southern African species of bulbs and their hybrids.
Many images from NCCPG Plant Collections once held by David Fenwick.
Sitemap and Photographic Index
African Bulb Images
Agapanthaceae - Nile Lily Family - Agapanthus
Alliaceae - Onion and Garlic Family - Tulbaghia
Amaryllidaceae - Amaryllis Family - Amaryllis, Crinum, Cyrtanthus, Haemanthus and Nerine
Araceae - Arum Family - Zantedeschia
Aspholdelaceae - Asphodel Family - Kniphofia
Colchicaceae - Chinese Lantern Lily Family - Sandersonia
Haemodoraceae - Red Root Family - Wachendorfia
Hyacinthaceae - Hyacinth Family - Albuca, Drimia, Eucomis, Galtonia, Ledebouria, Ornithogalum, Polyxena, Scilla and Veltheimia
Iridaceae - Iris Family - Babiana, Chasmanthe, Crocosmia, Dierama, Freesia, Gladiolus, Hesperantha, Hypoxis, Ixia, Melasphaerulea, Moraea, Rhodohypoxis, Romulea, Sparaxis, Tritonia and Watsonia
Strelitziaceae - Bird of Paradise Family - Strelitzia