Freesia 'Naticoke'
syn. Anomatheca 'Naticoke'
- flower 2
Freesia 'Naticoke'
syn. Anomatheca 'Naticoke'
- flower 3
Freesia 'Naticoke'
syn. Anomatheca 'Naticoke'
- flower 4
Origin Unknown. Potentially an inter-specific hybrid between F. laxa and F. grandiflora, has intermediate features from both parents. Early to flower, and at the same time as Freesia laxa subsp. azurea. Flowers, of a pinky-lilac with deep purple markings. Progeny are very variable on backcrossing.
Photographs of this Freesia taken at the former African Garden in Estover, Plymouth, Devon; once home to the NCCPG National Collection of Freesia Anomatheca Group.