Freesia laxa
syn. Anomatheca laxa
- flower 2
Freesia laxa
syn. Anomatheca laxa
- flower 3
Freesia laxa
syn. Anomatheca laxa
- flower 4
Freesia laxa
syn. Anomatheca laxa
- flower 5
This species occurs both in the summer and winter rainfall areas of South Africa, thus in the northern hemisphere the species can be grown under glass for flowering in May or in the garden for flowering from late June. This species can also be grown as an annual as it can flower from seed in just 5-6 months, and because of this it is now being grow commercially in large amounts and is frequently seen offered in Garden Centres in the UK. But it is also grown in colder climates, and in places such as Canada, as an annual.
Photographs of this Freesia taken at the former African Garden in Estover, Plymouth, Devon; once home to the NCCPG National Collection of Freesia Anomatheca Group.