Goblet stalked jellyfish
Craterolophus convolvulus
- face view 2
Goblet stalked jellyfish
Craterolophus convolvulus
- face view 3
Goblet stalked jellyfish
Craterolophus convolvulus
- side view 1
Goblet stalked jellyfish
Craterolophus convolvulus
- side view 2
Goblet stalked jellyfish
Craterolophus convolvulus
- side view 3
Goblet stalked jellyfish
Craterolophus convolvulus
- face view 4
Goblet stalked jellyfish
Craterolophus convolvulus
- two colour forms 1
Species found on Mastocarpus stellatus, in a middleshore rockpool at Priest's Cove, St. Just, Cornwall. 03.09.12. Species was found with Haliclystus octoradiatus.
Goblet stalked jellyfish
Craterolophus convolvulus
- on Sargassum multicum 1
Goblet stalked jellyfish
Craterolophus convolvulus
- on Sargassum multicum 2
Species found on Sargassum muticum, Wireweed or Japweed, in a lowershore rockpool at Wherry Rocks, Wherry Town, Penzance, Cornwall. 01.09.12. Species was found with Haliclystus octoradiatus and Calvadosia campanulata.
Goblet stalked jellyfish
Craterolophus convolvulus
- Sennen Cove 1
Goblet stalked jellyfish
Craterolophus convolvulus
- Sennen Cove 2
Goblet stalked jellyfish
Craterolophus convolvulus
- Sennen Cove 3
Goblet stalked jellyfish
Craterolophus convolvulus
- Sennen Cove 4
Images above taken of a single individual in middleshore pool near sewer pipe at Sennen Cove, Penwith, Cornwall. 19.09.12.
Goblet stalked jellyfish
Craterolophus convolvulus
- Trevaunance Cove / juvenile 1
Goblet stalked jellyfish
Craterolophus convolvulus
- Trevaunance Cove 1
Goblet stalked jellyfish
Craterolophus convolvulus
- Trevaunance Cove 2
Images above taken of a juvenile and adult individual from a lowershore pool at Trevaunance Cove, St. Agnes, Cornwall. 16.09.12.
Goblet stalked jellyfish
Craterolophus convolvulus
- Nanven 1
Goblet stalked jellyfish
Craterolophus convolvulus
- Nanven 2
Goblet stalked jellyfish
Craterolophus convolvulus
- Nanven 3
Goblet stalked jellyfish
Craterolophus convolvulus
- Nanven 4
Goblet stalked jellyfish
Craterolophus convolvulus
- Nanven 5
Goblet stalked jellyfish
Craterolophus convolvulus
- Nanven 6
Goblet stalked jellyfish
Craterolophus convolvulus
- Nanven 7
Images above taken of two specimens found in a middleshore pool at Nanven, Cot Valley, near St. Just, Penwith, Cornwall. 15.09.12.
Habitat Images
Exposed Rocky Shore
Sennen Cove, Cornwall
- Middleshore Rockpools -1
Exposed Rocky Shore
Sennen Cove, Cornwall
- Middleshore Rockpools -2
Exposed Rocky Shore
Sennen Cove, Cornwall
- Middleshore Rockpools -3
In North America Craterolophus convolvulus is known as the Goblet stalked jellyfish, ref. A Practical Guide to the Marine Animals of Northeastern North America, Leland W. Pollock, 1998.
Stauromedusae UK - Species Account for Craterolophus convolvulus
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