Keeled tubeworm
Spirobranchus triqueter
- under stone / close-up 1
Keeled tubeworm
Spirobranchus triqueter
- under stone 1
Keeled tubeworm
Spirobranchus triqueter
- worm 1
Keeled tubeworm
Spirobranchus triqueter
- worm 2
Keeled tubeworm
Spirobranchus triqueter
- worm anterior 1
Keeled tubeworm
Spirobranchus triqueter
- worm anterior 2
Keeled tubeworm
Spirobranchus triqueter
- opercular ampulla 1
Keeled tubeworm
Spirobranchus triqueter
- opercular ampulla 2
Very similar species to Spirobranchus lamarcki, however this species is less common on the lowershore, favouring deeper water, it can be found on pebbles that have been washed up. This species only has one keel. The point on the front of the animal is extremely sharp so care needs to be taken when lifting stones on beaches where these animals occur. This species can be found all around the westcountry. Images were taken at Plymouth, Devon and St. Austell, Cornwall.
Species formerly and probably more commonly known as Pomatoceros triqueter.