Chrysopetalid worm
Paleanotus chrysolepis
- worm 1
Chrysopetalid worm
Paleanotus chrysolepis
- worm 2
Chrysopetalid worm
Paleanotus chrysolepis
- ventral view 1
Chrysopetalid worm
Paleanotus chrysolepis
- ventral view anterior 1
Chrysopetalid worm
Paleanotus chrysolepis
- dorsal view anterior / microscope image 1
Chrysopetalid worm
Paleanotus chrysolepis
- dorsal view anterior / microscope image 2
Chrysopetalid worm
Paleanotus chrysolepis
- notochaetae 1
Chrysopetalid worm
Paleanotus chrysolepis
- posterior notochaetae 1
Chrysopetalid worm
Paleanotus chrysolepis
- posterior notochaetae 2
Chrysopetalid worm
Paleanotus chrysolepis
- posterior notochaetae 3
Chrysopetalid worm
Paleanotus chrysolepis
- with 0.1mm division rule 1
Chrysopetalid worm
Paleanotus chrysolepis
- with white background 1
The species here which measures 3-4mm in length was found in a scrape sample taken from a concrete structure near low water on an extra-low spring tide in Newlyn Harbour, Newlyn, Cornwall. 10.03.20.
This is the first instance of this southern species being found in the UK. The species is typically from the Med. or southern NE Atlantic shores, the type locality is the “Cape of Good Hope”, South Africa.