Smiling / Nemertine worm
Argonemertes sp.
- worm anterior - Hayle 1
Specimen above found under timber near Carnsew Pool, Hayle, Cornwall, 06.08.13.
Smiling / Nemertine worm
Argonemertes sp.
- worm - Penlee Gardens 1
Smiling / Nemertine worm
Argonemertes sp.
- worm - Penlee Gardens 2
Specimen above was found in leaf litter at Penlee Gardens, Penzance, Cornwall, 27.10.13.
The specimens above are morphologically similar to Argonemertes dendyi and Argonemertes sp. (c.f. A. dendyi) the latter having a different barcode to A. dendyi and is waiting to be described. Neither specimen above was sequenced and because of the morphological similarities between the species above it is felt to label these as Argonemertes sp. as it cannot be proven without sequencing what they are.
Argonemertes have likely been introduced by Treseders Nursery from Australia on the trunks of tree ferns at the begining of the 20th century.
Argonemertes sp. must be regarded as a dump for records of all undetermined species of Argonemertes, and given that it is likely sequencing will be needed to resolve or prove identity. Terrestrial nemerteans should not be identified from photographs.