Scale worm
Harmothoe impar
- ventral view 1
Scale worm
Harmothoe impar
- dorsal view anterior / head 1
Scale worm
Harmothoe impar
- dorsal view posterior 1
Scale worm
Harmothoe impar
- dorsal view scales 1
Scale worm
Harmothoe impar
- head under microscope 1
Scale worm
Harmothoe impar
- head under microscope 2
Scale worm
Harmothoe impar
- scale under microscope 1
Scale worm
Harmothoe impar
- scale under microscope 2
Scale worm
Harmothoe impar
- scale under microscope 3
Specimen above found under a rock on the lowershore at Chimney Rocks, Penzance, Cornwall, 15.12.16.
Scale worm
Harmothoe impar
- dorsal view 2
Scale worm
Harmothoe impar
- dorsal view anterior 1
Scale worm
Harmothoe impar
- dorsal view posterior 2
Scale worm
Harmothoe impar
- dorsal view head 1
Scale worm
Harmothoe impar
- scale 1
Scale worm
Harmothoe impar
- scale - 0.1mm division rule 1
Scale worm
Harmothoe impar
- part of scale edge 1
Juvenile specimen above was found amongst fouling collected from a pontoon at Newlyn Marina, Newlyn, Cornwall. 17.05.16.