Glycerid worm
Glycera tridactyla
- worm 2
Glycerid worm
Glycera tridactyla
- anterior with proboscis 1
Glycerid worm
Glycera tridactyla
- prostomium 1
Glycerid worm
Glycera tridactyla
- prostomium 2
Glycerid worm
Glycera tridactyla
- antennae on prostomium 1
Glycerid worm
Glycera tridactyla
- proboscis papillae 1
Glycerid worm
Glycera tridactyla
- mid-body parapodium 1
Glycerid worm
Glycera tridactyla
- mid-body parapodium 2
Specimen above found under stones on the shore at Chimney Rocks, Penzance, Cornwall, 08.07.17. Specimen was soaked in Magnesium chloride prior to photography and dissection. Dissection is often necessary with Glycerids to determine the shape of papillae on the proboscis, number of annulations on the prostomium, shape of antennae on the prostomium and shape of parapodia.
Glycerid worm
Glycera tridactyla
- prostomium 3
Glycerid worm
Glycera tridactyla
- dorsal view part of body 1
Glycerid worm
Glycera tridactyla
- dorsal view part of body 2
Specimen above found in muddy-sand near Albert Pier reef, Penzance, Cornwall, 26.06.17.