Cephalothricid ribbon worm
Cephalothrix rufifrons
- anterior of nemertean 2
Cephalothricid ribbon worm
Cephalothrix rufifrons
- anterior of nemertean 3
Cephalothricid ribbon worm
Cephalothrix rufifrons
- nemertean worm 1
Cephalothricid ribbon worm
Cephalothrix rufifrons
- nemertean worm 2
Cephalothricid ribbon worm
Cephalothrix rufifrons
- nemertean worm 3
Cephalothricid ribbon worm
Cephalothrix rufifrons
- nemertean worm 4
This specimen was found in a sample of red algae collected from the base of the pier at the low tide mark. Albert Pier, Penzance, Cornwall, 29.09.18.
Cephalothricid ribbon worm
Cephalothrix rufifrons
- worm 1
Cephalothricid ribbon worm
Cephalothrix rufifrons
- worm anterior 1
Cephalothricid ribbon worm
Cephalothrix rufifrons
- worm anterior close-up 1
Specimen above found in a sample of Coral Weed, Corallina officinalis, collected from a large middleshore pool at Battery Rocks, Penzance, Cornwall. 17.06.16.
Cephalothricid ribbon worm
Cephalothrix rufifrons
- worm 2
Cephalothricid ribbon worm
Cephalothrix rufifrons
- worm 3
Cephalothricid ribbon worm
Cephalothrix rufifrons
- anterior dorsal view 1
Cephalothricid ribbon worm
Cephalothrix rufifrons
- anterior dorsal view 2
Cephalothricid ribbon worm
Cephalothrix rufifrons
- anterior ventral view 1
Cephalothricid ribbon worm
Cephalothrix rufifrons
- head 1
Cephalothricid ribbon worm
Cephalothrix rufifrons
- head 2
Cephalothricid ribbon worm
Cephalothrix rufifrons
- mid body 1
Specimen above found in a small sample of Coral Weed, Corallina officinalis, collected from lowershore pools at Battery Rocks, Penzance, Cornwall. 20.05.15.
Cephalothricid ribbon worm
Cephalothrix rufifrons
- worm dorsal view 1
Cephalothricid ribbon worm
Cephalothrix rufifrons
- anterior dorsal view 2
Cephalothricid ribbon worm
Cephalothrix rufifrons
- anterior dorsal view 3
Cephalothricid ribbon worm
Cephalothrix rufifrons
- anterior dorsal view 4
Specimen above found among algae on side of pontoon at Newlyn Marina, Newlyn, Cornwall. 02.04.15.
Cephalothricid ribbon worm
Cephalothrix rufifrons
- more than 12 specimens forming a knot 1
Cephalothricid ribbon worm
Cephalothrix rufifrons
- more than 12 specimens forming a knot 2
Cephalothricid ribbon worm
Cephalothrix rufifrons
- Coral Weed, Corallina officinalis habitat 1
More than 15 specimens were found in a 300mm x 300mm scrape sample of Corallina officinalis, Coral Weed, in an area of seepage below a pool on the lowershore at Skilly, near Newlyn, Cornwall, 29.05.18. Over 100 species were recorded in the 300mm x 300mm sample.
Cephalothricid ribbon worm
Cephalothrix rufifrons
- feeding on the polychaete worm Platynereis 1
Cephalothricid ribbon worm
Cephalothrix rufifrons
- feeding on the polychaete worm Platynereis 2
Cephalothricid ribbon worm
Cephalothrix rufifrons
- feeding on the polychaete worm Platynereis 3
Numerous specimens were found in a scrape sample of Corallina officinalis, Coral Weed, in a deep pool on the middleshore at Battery Rocks, Penzance, Cornwall, 01.06.18.
Cephalothricid ribbon worm
Cephalothrix rufifrons
- female worm anterior 1
Cephalothricid ribbon worm
Cephalothrix rufifrons
- female worm anterior 2
Cephalothricid ribbon worm
Cephalothrix rufifrons
- female worm 1
The specimen above was found in a small sample of coralline algae taken from the lowershore at Marra Pool, Mount Batten, Plymouth, Devon, 03.03.22.