Encrusting sponge
Aplysilla rosea
- under rock / lowershore 2
Encrusting sponge
Aplysilla rosea
- under rock / lowershore 3
Encrusting sponge
Aplysilla rosea
- under rock / lowershore 4
Encrusting sponge
Aplysilla rosea
- under rock / lowershore 5
Encrusting sponge
Aplysilla rosea
- with entoproct Loxosomella 1
Images of this species were taken of it under a rock at extreme low water at Wherry Rocks, Wherrytown, Penzance, Cornwall, 06.04.12; at Marazion, 11.03.09; and Little London, 10.10.10; near Penzance, Cornwall.