Stocky cerith
Cerithium litteratum
- snail underside and mouth 1
Stocky cerith
Cerithium litteratum
- lateral view 2
Stocky cerith
Cerithium litteratum
- snail underside and mouth 2
Stocky cerith
Cerithium litteratum
- group of shells 1
Numerous specimens of this non-native species were found inside a Scotty bait jar that was washed-up on he north coast of Cornwall that was found by Tracey Williams. The Scotty bait jar must have arrived here from the SE coast of the USA.
Specimens above kindly photographed with the kind prmission of Tracey Williams. 06.01.16.
This species was found on this side of the Atlantic in Ireland in a bait jar found at Loher Beach, Waterville, Co Kerry, by Rosemary Hill. Ref: Trans-atlantic rafting of inshore mollusca on macro-litter: American molluscs on British and Irish shores, new records. By Anna M Holmes, P Graham Oliver, Steve Trewhella, Rosemary Hill & Declan TG Quigley.