Undescribed tergipedid
species of nudibranch
- group 1
Undescribed tergipedid
species of nudibranch
- lateral view 1
Undescribed tergipedid
species of nudibranch
- dorsal view head 1
Undescribed tergipedid
species of nudibranch
- dorsal view head 2
Undescribed tergipedid
species of nudibranch
- with 0.1mm division rule 1
Specimen found in sediment from the washing of large brown species of algae, inc. Wakame in seawater (a form of marine sampling). The brown algae were covered with numerous species of hydroids. Specimen found at Newlyn, Cornwall, 11.08.15, and has been sent to Spain for ongoing research. Four specimens found on 05.09.15.
Undescribed tergipedid
species of nudibranch
- dorsal view 2
Undescribed tergipedid
species of nudibranch
- dorsal view 3
Undescribed tergipedid
species of nudibranch
- front view head 1
Undescribed tergipedid
species of nudibranch
- anterior of foot 1
Undescribed tergipedid
species of nudibranch
- hermaphroditic gland lobes 1
Undescribed tergipedid
species of nudibranch
- cerata 1
Specimen above found on trawling for hydroids with a 250mm, wide long handled, fine mest net at Newlyn Marina, Newlyn, Cornwall, 24.06.18.
It must be noted that Newlyn Marina is a private marina that is largely used for commercial activities.
Despite the species being undescribed, it has been found on the southern coast of Spain and might also have been found in Morocco. It is likely this species is of southern origin and may have recently arrived in the UK.