Sea slug
Janolus hyalinus
- caruncle between rhinophores on head 1
Specimen above found in a small sample of algae collected from pontoons at Newlyn Marina, Newlyn, Cornwall, 22.10.18. This species and the related Janolus cristatus were very common at Newlyn during October 2018, after a summer bloom of Bugula neritina.
Sea slug
Janolus hyalinus
- dorsal view 2
Sea slug
Janolus hyalinus
- dorsal view 3
Sea slug
Janolus hyalinus
- dorsal view 4
Sea slug
Janolus hyalinus
- dorsal view 5
Specimen above found on washing large brown algae at Newlyn Marina, Newlyn, Cornwall, 26.07.18 and 31.07.17.
Sea slug
Janolus hyalinus
- adult dorsal view 1
Sea slug
Janolus hyalinus
- adult dorsal view 2
Sea slug
Janolus hyalinus
- adult ventral view 1
Specimens above found on washing the seaweed Sea Oak, Halidrys siliquosa, at Newlyn Harbour, Newlyn, Cornwall, 23.07.17.
Sea slug
Janolus hyalinus
- adult dorsal view 3
Sea slug
Janolus hyalinus
- adult dorsal view 4
Adult specimens above found amongst a sample of fouling taken from the side of a pontoon at Mylor Marina, Mylor Churchtown, near Penryn, Cornwall. 12.10.15.
Sea slug
Janolus hyalinus
- dorsal view 6
Sea slug
Janolus hyalinus
- dorsal view 7
Sea slug
Janolus hyalinus
- dorsal view 8
The specimen above was found during the MBA Bioblitz at Salcombe, Devon, 27.09.15.
Sea slug
Janolus hyalinus
- dorsal view 9
Sea slug
Janolus hyalinus
- dorsal view head 1
Sea slug
Janolus hyalinus
- lateral view 1
Sea slug
Janolus hyalinus
- lateral view 2
Sea slug
Janolus hyalinus
- dorsal view head 2
Sea slug
Janolus hyalinus
- juvenile 1
Sea slug
Janolus hyalinus
- caruncle between rhinophores on head 2
Juvenile specimen found in a small sample of bryozoan turf containing Scrupocellaria sp.. Sample taken from a cavity under a rock on the lowershore near Smeaton's Pier, St. Ives, Cornwall. 26.09.14 and 10.10.14. The species has also found at Newlyn Marina, Newlyn, Cornwall. 03.12.14.
Sea slug
Janolus hyalinus
- dorsal view 10
Sea slug
Janolus hyalinus
- radula teeth 1
Sea slug
Janolus hyalinus
- radula teeth 2
Specimen above was found on weed washing large brown algae from pontoons at Newlyn Marina, Newlyn, Cornwall, 04.10.18.