Sea slug
Doto koenneckeri
- on side of rock on a hydroid 2
Sea slug
Doto koenneckeri
- on side of rock on a hydroid 3
Above specimen 3mm in length, found on a hydroid attached to the side of a rock, on an extra low spring tide, on a spit north of Smeaton's Pier, St. Ives, Cornwall. 18.02.15.
Sea slug
Doto koenneckeri
- lateral view 1
Sea slug
Doto koenneckeri
- lateral view 2
Sea slug
Doto koenneckeri
- rhinophore 1
Above specimen found in a sediment sample taken from under the slipway in the SW corner of Newlyn Harbour, Newlyn, Cornwall, 19.02.15. Sample was taken on an extreme low tide.
Thanks go to Dr. Bernard Picton and Ian Smith for identifying the specimens here.