Tropical White Morning Glory
Ipomoea alba
- lateral view 2
Tropical White Morning Glory
Ipomoea alba
- back of seed 1
Tropical White Morning Glory
Ipomoea alba
- hilum 1
Tropical White Morning Glory
Ipomoea alba
- hilum 2
Tropical White Morning Glory
Ipomoea alba
- hilum close-up 1
Tropical White Morning Glory
Ipomoea alba
- hilum close-up 2
Tropical White Morning Glory
Ipomoea alba
- hilum close-up 3
Tropical White Morning Glory
Ipomoea alba
- hilum close-up 4
Ipomoea alba seed was purchased for reference purposes from Thompson & Morgan Seeds, March 2016.
Ipomoea alba, Ipomoea bona-nox, Calonyction aculeatum, Tropical White Morning Glory, Moonflower, Moon Vine and Belle de Nuit.