Parasitic red algae
- on the red algae Rhodymenia pseudopalmata 2
Parasitic red algae
- on the red algae Rhodymenia pseudopalmata 3
Parasitic red algae
- on the red algae Rhodymenia pseudopalmata 4
Parasitic red algae
- with 1.0mm division rule 1
Parasitic red algae
- specimens removed for drying in silica gel pre. sequencing 1
Parasitic red algae
- location / Baulk Head 1
This small, red or pinkish algae is red algal parasite of Rhodymenia species.
The parasite Rhodymeniocolax was found on the Rhodymenia pseudopalmata, Rosy Fan Weed, just below the low tide level on an extra low tide, in a small gulley on the end of the point at Baulk Head, near Gunwalloe Fishing Cove, Cornwall. 27.04.17.
Specimens kindly verified by Professor Mike Guiry.
AlgaeBase is a database of information on algae that includes terrestrial, marine and freshwater organisms.