Mysid shrimp
Unidentified species
- dorsal view 2
Mysid shrimp
Unidentified species
- with 0.1mm division rule 1
Mysid shrimp
Unidentified species
- dorsal view anterior 1
Mysid shrimp
Unidentified species
- antennular peduncle 1
Mysid shrimp
Unidentified species
- antennae bases 1
Mysid shrimp
Unidentified species
- telson, endouropod and exouropod 1
Mysid shrimp
Unidentified species
- telson 1
Mysid shrimp
Unidentified species
- endouropod 1
Mysid shrimp
Unidentified species
- exouropod 1
The body length of this specimen is about 2.5mm. The specimen was found in a pool on the lowershore at Albert Pier reef, Penzance, Cornwall. 17.05.15. The mysid was stored in ethanol and was examined and photographed on 05.09.16.
It appears the specimen is too young to identify, if not, the specimen does not appear to be featured in the book on British Mysidacea by Tattersall and Tattersall.