Assemblage on red algae
- Dumontia contorta 2
Assemblage on red algae
- Dumontia contorta 3
Diatom assemblage
on red algae Dumontia contorta
- microscope image 1
Diatom assemblage
on red algae Dumontia contorta
- with 0.1mm division rule 1
Diatom assemblage
on red algae Dumontia contorta
- with 0.1mm division rule 2
Diatom assemblage
on red algae Dumontia contorta
- with 0.1mm division rule 3
Diatom assemblage
on red algae Dumontia contorta
- with 0.1mm division rule 4
Diatoms found fouling a specimen of the red alga Dumontia contorta at Lariggan Rocks, Penzance, Cornwall. 26.05.16.
AlgaeBase is a database of information on algae that includes terrestrial, marine and freshwater organisms.