Carabid beetle
Cillenus lateralis
- dorsal view 2
Carabid beetle
Cillenus lateralis
- lateral view showing hairs 1
Carabid beetle
Cillenus lateralis
- with 0.1mm division rule 1
Carabid beetle
Cillenus lateralis
- with 0.1mm division rule 2
Carabid beetle
Cillenus lateralis
- close-up on sediment 1
Carabid beetle
Cillenus lateralis
- habitat / Corophium burrows 1
Carabid beetle
Cillenus lateralis
- likely prey, the amphipod Corophium volutator 1
Carabid beetle
Cillenus lateralis
- habitat / mudflat 1
Carabid beetle
Cillenus lateralis
- habitat / location 1
Specimen above found on mudflats in front of Lelant Station, Hayle Estuary Complex, Lelant, Cornwall. 11.06.20.
This beetle is a marine beetle, living permanently on the mudflats at the location where it was found. It probably lives in the burrows of the amphipod Corophium volutator, on the rising tide. Corophium volutator also being it's likely prey.