Janirid isopod
Jaera (Jaera) forsmani
- lateral view 1
Janirid isopod
Jaera (Jaera) forsmani
- ventral view 1
Janirid isopod
Jaera (Jaera) forsmani
- with 0.1mm division rule 1
Janirid isopod
Jaera (Jaera) forsmani
- pereopod 7 -1
Janirid isopod
Jaera (Jaera) forsmani
- pereopods 1 and 2 -1
Janirid isopod
Jaera (Jaera) forsmani
- praeoperculum 1
Janirid isopod
Jaera (Jaera) forsmani
- washings / sample from crevice
where specimen was found 1
Janirid isopod
Jaera (Jaera) forsmani
- habitat / location 1
A 2.3mm male specimen was found in a rock crevice on the lowershore at Little London reef, Marazion, Cornwall, 09.12.17.
In Jaera (Jaera) forsmani pereopods (legs) 1-4 are sparsely covered with curved setae on the propus, carpus and merus segments. Perepods 6 and 7 have well developed carpal spines. In comparison Jaera (Jaera) albifrons has prominent lobes that are fringed with spines on the carpus of pereopods 6 and 7. The male praeoperculum of Jaera (Jaera) forsmani is simlar to Jaera (Jaera) albifrons so cannot be used to distinguish the species. Jaera (Jaera) forsmani is the least tolerant of freshwater of the Jaera albifrons group.
Species was kindly verified by the isopod expert Dr. David Holdich.