Leptothecate hydroid
Sertularella polyzonias
- hydroid - fresh sample 2
Leptothecate hydroid
Sertularella polyzonias
- branches 1
Leptothecate hydroid
Sertularella polyzonias
- gonotheca 1
Leptothecate hydroid
Sertularella polyzonias
- gonotheca 2
Leptothecate hydroid
Sertularella polyzonias
- gonotheca 3
Leptothecate hydroid
Sertularella polyzonias
- hydrootheca 1
Specimen found attached to a rock on the floor of a crab boat in Newlyn Harbour. Specimen originally from off the Pendeen area of West Cornwall, 28.09.17.
Leptothecate hydroid
Sertularella polyzonias
- hydroid on Nemertesia 1
Leptothecate hydroid
Sertularella polyzonias
- hydroid on Nemertesia 2
Leptothecate hydroid
Sertularella polyzonias
- hydroid on Nemertesia 3
Leptothecate hydroid
Sertularella polyzonias
- hydrothecae 1
Leptothecate hydroid
Sertularella polyzonias
- hydrothecae 2
Specimen above found attached to the hydroid Nemertesia antennina in a fish box full of small Gurnard at Newlyn Fish Market, Newlyn, Cornwall, 23.01.17. Found as marine debris.
The starfish Astropecten irregularis and Crossaster papposus; and the hydroid Diphasia alata was also found in the same fish box of Gurnard.
Species kindly verified by Dr. Bernard Picton.