Leptothecate hydroid
Sertularella ellisii
- with 0.1mm division rule 1
Leptothecate hydroid
Sertularella ellisii
- with 0.1mm division rule 2
Leptothecate hydroid
Sertularella ellisii
- stained gonotheca 2
Leptothecate hydroid
Sertularella ellisii
- hydrotheca 1
Leptothecate hydroid
Sertularella ellisii
- hydrotheca 2
Specimen above found dried, attached to an old crab pot that had been dredged from the seabed by a fishing boat. Specimen collected at Newlyn Harbour, Newlyn, Cornwall, 13.03.17. Specimen was rehydrated, stained using Rose Bengal, and dried before photographing.
? = Identification just needs confirming.