An educational resource dedicated mainly to the photography
and diversity of marine life that can be found in coastal waters
and intertidal areas of Great Britain and Ireland by David Fenwick.

A-P-H-O-T-O Wildlife Stock Image Library
Mycaureola dilseae Maire & Chemin, 1922 a fungal disease of the alga Dilsea carnosa, Red Rags.
Marine fungus
Mycaureola dilseae
- circular necrotic lesion
on Dilsea carnosa 1

Marine fungus
Mycaureola dilseae
- circular necrotic lesion
on Dilsea carnosa 2

Marine fungus
Mycaureola dilseae
- circular necrotic lesion
on Dilsea carnosa 3

Marine fungus
Mycaureola dilseae
- circular necrotic lesion
on Dilsea carnosa 3

Marine fungus
Mycaureola dilseae
- circular necrotic lesion
on Dilsea carnosa 1

Marine fungus
Mycaureola dilseae
- close-up white / green zone 1

Marine fungus
Mycaureola dilseae
- close-up white / green zone 2

Marine fungus
Mycaureola dilseae
- Dilsea carnosa, Red Rags 1

Mycaureola dilseae here was found on a piece of Dilsea carnosa, Red Rags, as driftweed at Lariggan Rocks, Penzance, Cornwall, 31.08.18.

Lesions are reported as having a maximum diameter of 20mm. The inner part of the lesion is typically white, this is where all the algal photosynthetic pigments have broken down. Out from this there is a 2-4mm greenish zone where the phycobilin pigments have been degraded, this then meets the red uninfected normal tissue.

Mycaureola dilseae, a marine basidiomycete parasite of the red alga, Dilsea carnosa by D. Porter and W.. F. Farnham. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 87 (4), 575-582 (1986).

Mycaureola dilseae Dilsea carnosa Red Rags False Dulse Marine fungi basidiomycota images
The main objective of this website is in furthering environmental awareness and education through the medium of photography. To increase awareness and access to the wildlife of the region and help
people find and identify it. Sometimes the difference between species is obvious but many species can only be determined by observing microscopic characteristics that are specific to any one species.