Green convolutid flatworm
Symsagittifera sp.?
- under microscope 2
Green convolutid flatworm
Symsagittifera sp.?
- under microscope 2
Green convolutid flatworm
Symsagittifera sp.?
- colony on sediment 1
Green convolutid flatworm
Symsagittifera sp.?
- colony on sediment 2
Green convolutid flatworm
Symsagittifera sp.?
- in container 1
Green convolutid flatworm
Symsagittifera sp.?
- in container 2
Green convolutid flatworm
Symsagittifera sp.?
- habitat / location 1
A small colony of this species, what is likely to be a green convolutid flatworm of the genus Symsagittifera, was found was in a shallow pool over muddy sediments at Carnsew Pool, Hayle, West Cornwall, 24.05.17.
Carnsew Pool is a sluicing pool in the Hayle Estuary Complex, the pool, a near fully saline lagoon, was used to keep the channel leading to the harbour clear of sand and mud. The west of the pool is quite muddy and is known for wading birds, but sandy sediments are regularly washed into the pool and across the shallow pool from shore to shore.