Common Pale Paint Weed
Lithophyllum incrustans
- on rock in pool 2
Common Pale Paint Weed
Lithophyllum incrustans
- on rock in pool 3
Common Pale Paint Weed
Lithophyllum incrustans
- on rock 1
Common Pale Paint Weed
Lithophyllum incrustans
- on rock 2
Common Pale Paint Weed
Lithophyllum incrustans
- on rockpool base 1
Common Pale Paint Weed
Lithophyllum incrustans
- on rockpool base 2
Common Pale Paint Weed
Lithophyllum incrustans
- on rockpool base 3
Common Pale Paint Weed
Lithophyllum incrustans
- on rockpool base 4
Images taken on various dates at Mount Batten, Plymouth, Devon; also at Spit Point, Par, near St. Austell, Cornwall.
Scientific and European Names:
Lithophyllum incrustans, Common Pale Paint Weed, Pink Paint, Rote Krustenalge, Korstvormend kalkrood wier, Algue calcaire encroutante, Litofilo encostrante.
AlgaeBase is a database of information on algae that includes terrestrial, marine and freshwater organisms.