Ctenostome bryozoan
Vesicularia spinosa
- branching habit 2
Ctenostome bryozoan
Vesicularia spinosa
- under microscope 1
Ctenostome bryozoan
Vesicularia spinosa
- under microscope 2
Ctenostome bryozoan
Vesicularia spinosa
- autozooid 1
The species here was found in human refuse collected during trawling for fish. A single specimen was found entangled in a mass of fishing line and small dead Sea Fans landed at Newlyn, Cornwall, 19.12.17. It is believed it was trawled off the western end of the north coast of Cornwall.
This species is infrequently recorded, it occurs subtidally and on the lowershore on rocks and shells and in bryozoan turf.
Ref: Synopses of the Brtish Fauna (New Series), Ctenostome Bryozoans by P.J. Hayward.
Kind thanks to Marco Faasse and Hans De Blauwe for his help in determining this hydroid-like species of bryozoa.