Cheilostome bryozoan
Scruparia ambigua
- on Saw or Toothed wrack 1
Cheilostome bryozoan
Scruparia ambigua
- on Saw or Toothed wrack 2
Cheilostome bryozoan
Scruparia ambigua
- on Saw or Toothed wrack 3
Cheilostome bryozoan
Scruparia ambigua
- on Saw or Toothed wrack 4
Cheilostome bryozoan
Scruparia ambigua
- under microscope 1
Cheilostome bryozoan
Scruparia ambigua
- under microscope 2
Cheilostome bryozoan
Scruparia ambigua
- under microscope 3
Specimen above found growing on Saw or Toothed wrack, Fucus serratus, on the low tide line near the sill at Carnsew Pool, Hayle, Cornwall. 17.07.15.
Note the habit, colony composed of repent and erect, spreading by uniserial chains of autozooids, chains branching by lateral budding.