Ctenostome bryozoan
Flustrellidra hispida
- on Saw Wrack 2
Ctenostome bryozoan
Flustrellidra hispida
- on Saw Wrack 3
Specimen above was found on the brown seaweed, Fucus serratus, Saw Wrack, on the lowershore at Skilly, near Newlyn, Cornwall, 08.09.18.
Ctenostome bryozoan
Flustrellidra hispida
- zooids 1
Ctenostome bryozoan
Flustrellidra hispida
- zooids 2
Ctenostome bryozoan
Flustrellidra hispida
- zooids 3
Specimen above was found on the lowershore inside Newlyn Harbour, Newlyn, Cornwall, 26.07.13.
Ctenostome bryozoan
Flustrellidra hispida
- statoblast lateral view 1
Ctenostome bryozoan
Flustrellidra hispida
- statoblast dorsal view? 1
The statoblast above was found in a small sample container with the bryozoan Flustrellidra hispida. The species was collected on Fucus serratus, Saw Wrack, found on the side of a north facing overhang, above a deep pool on the lowershore at Skilly, near Newlyn, Cornwall, 24.04.20.
Ctenostome bryozoan
Flustrellidra hispida
- Spit Point 27-05-10 -1
Ctenostome bryozoan
Flustrellidra hispida
- Spit Point 27-05-10 -2
Ctenostome bryozoan
Flustrellidra hispida
- on Fucus serratus 14.08.10 -1
Ctenostome bryozoan
Flustrellidra hispida
- on Fucus serratus 14.08.10 -2
Ctenostome bryozoan
Flustrellidra hispida
- on Fucus serratus 14.08.10 -3
Ctenostome bryozoan
Flustrellidra hispida
- on Fucus serratus 14.08.10 -4
Ctenostome bryozoan
Flustrellidra hispida
- on Fucus serratus 14.08.10 -5
Ctenostome bryozoan
Flustrellidra hispida
- on Fucus serratus 14.08.10 -6