Cheilostome bryozoan
Callopora lineata
- on Blue-rayed limpet 2
Cheilostome bryozoan
Callopora lineata
- on Blue-rayed limpet 3
Images above taken of the species on a shell of a Blue-rayed limpet, Patella pellucida, found in a Laminaria digitata holdfast on the lowershore, south of Newlyn Harbour, Newlyn, Cornwall. 20.09.13.
Cheilostome bryozoan
Callopora lineata
- on plastic debris 1
Cheilostome bryozoan
Callopora lineata
- on plastic debris 2
Images of species above taken on a piece of plastic drinking flask, washed-up after storms near Marazion, Cornwall. 11.01.14.