Striped Branched Weed
Striaria attenuata
- on the fine red algae Melanothamnus harveyi 1
Striped Branched Weed
Striaria attenuata
- on the fine red algae Melanothamnus harveyi 2
Striped Branched Weed
Striaria attenuata
- on the fine red algae Melanothamnus harveyi 3
Striped Branched Weed
Striaria attenuata
- on the fine red algae Melanothamnus harveyi 4
Striped Branched Weed
Striaria attenuata
- on the fine red algae Melanothamnus harveyi 5
Striped Branched Weed
Striaria attenuata
- on the fine red algae Melanothamnus harveyi 6
Striped Branched Weed
Striaria attenuata
- with 1.0mm division rule 1
Striped Branched Weed
Striaria attenuata
- section of hollow axis under microscope 1
Striped Branched Weed
Striaria attenuata
- surface cells / microscope 1
Striped Branched Weed
Striaria attenuata
- surface cells / microscope 2
Striped Branched Weed
Striaria attenuata
- location 1
This species was found growing as as an epiphyte on the fine red algae Melanothamnus harveyi in the millpool at West Looe, Cornwall, 17.02.22.
The specimens found did not posess any unilocular sporangia so it was not possible to fully determine the species. However on examination the axis were hollow which means that the species was unlikely to be Stictyosiphon soriferus which it can be confused with. In Holland Striaria attenuata has also been found as an epiphyte on Polysiphonia.
I am grateful for the assistance of Frank Zeewieren.
AlgaeBase is a database of information on algae that includes terrestrial, marine and freshwater organisms.