Punctured Ball Weed
Leathesia marina
- on lowershore 2
Punctured Ball Weed
Leathesia marina
- on lowershore 3
Punctured Ball Weed
Leathesia marina
- on lowershore 4
Specimens above found on the lowershore at Gyllyngvase, Falmouth, Cornwall. 14.06.14.
Punctured Ball Weed
Leathesia marina
- on lowershore 5
Punctured Ball Weed
Leathesia marina
- on lowershore 6
Specimens above found on the lowershore at Spit Point, near Par, St. Austell, Cornwall. 12.07.10.
Leathesia marina (Lyngbye) Decaisne, 1842 (Accepted on WoRMS) syn. Leathesia difformis Areschoug, 1847 (as per Seaweeds of Britain and Ireland).
Scientific and European Names:
Leathesia marina, Leathesia difformis, Sea Balls, Sea Cauliflower, Punctured Ball Weed.
AlgaeBase is a database of information on algae that includes terrestrial, marine and freshwater organisms.